#267 - Kakuro / Kropki Hybrid

     Jeffrey Bardon / IHNN recently challenged me (in a sense) to create three variants or hybrids from his December 2020 daily streak, and I did it! Here's the third one, a hybrid between Kakuro and Kropki. His can be found here.

    The first puzzle from this challenge was a hybrid between Nurikabe and Araf, and the second was a hybrid between Moon or Sun and Balance Loop.

    Place a number from 1 to 9 into each empty cell so that no number is repeated in any unobstructed horizontal or vertical line. A clue on the bottom of a blocked cell represents the sum of the numbers in the vertical line below it. A clue on the right side of a blocked cell represents the sum of the numbers in the horizontal line to its right. Clues cannot see numbers through other blocked cells. All pairs of orthogonally adjacent cells containing numbers with a 1:2 ratio are marked with a black dot. All pairs of orthogonally adjacent cells containing consecutive numbers are marked with a white dot. A 1 next to a 2 may be marked with either dot.

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