
Showing posts from April, 2022

#469 - LITS

       Shade one tetromino of cells in each region so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Two tetrominoes of the same shape may not share a bold border, counting rotations and reflections as the same. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Solve online

#468 - Nanro

    This might be the easiest puzzle on my blog to date :)        Place a number into some cells so that all cells with numbers form one orthogonally connected area. Each region must contain at least one numbered cell, and every number in the region must be equal to how many numbered cells the region contains. Two cells containing the same number may not share a region border. No 2x2 region may be entirely numbered. Solve online

#467 - Star Battle / Double Back Hybrid

    This idea for a hybrid is something I wasn't sure would be possible at all, but it actually wasn't all that difficult to construct and I'm very satisfied with the result.      Place stars into some cells such that each row, column, and outlined region contains exactly two stars. Stars may not touch one another, not even diagonally. Additionally, d raw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all empty cells which passes through each region exactly twice. Solve online

#466 - Look-Air / Square Jam Hybrid

       Divide the grid into square regions of orthogonally connected cells and s hade some cells so that each region is either fully shaded or fully unshaded.  Region borders may not form any four-way intersections.  Clues represent how many of the five cells forming a cross around the clue (including itself) are shaded. Two shaded squares may not be orthogonally adjacent. Two shaded squares of the same size may not have a vertical or horizontal line of unshaded cells between them, unobstructed. Solve online

#465 - TomTom

       Place a number from 1 to N into each cell so that each row and column contains every number from that range with no repeats, where N is the side length of the grid. A clue represents the value obtained by applying an operation iteratively on the numbers in the region the clue is in. If no operation is given, it may be any of +, -, ×, or ÷. Subtraction and division in regions with more than two numbers are handled by taking the largest number and subtracting/dividing all the others. Solve online

#464 - Norinori

       Shade some dominoes of cells so that every region contains exactly two shaded cells. Shaded dominoes may not touch orthogonally. Solve online