
Showing posts from July, 2022

#482 - Nurikabe

       Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Solve online

#481 - Nurikabe

       Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Solve online

#480 - Aqre (All or Nothing)

       Shade some cells so that each region is either fully shaded or fully unshaded and all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. There may not exist a run of more than three consecutive shaded or unshaded cells horizontally or vertically anywhere in the grid. Solve online

#479 - Tapa / Pentominous Hybrid

     Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Additionally, divide the unshaded cells into regions of five orthogonally connected cells so that no two regions of the same shape share an edge, counting rotations and reflections as the same. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells in the (up to) eight cells surrounding the clue. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded.  Solve online