
Showing posts from June, 2021

#287 - Nurikabe

       Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded. Solve online

#286 - Curve Data

     The theme for this puzzle is "build a square" (as the clues go around clockwise).      Draw lines between the centers of cells so that each connected figure goes through exactly one clue, and all cells are used by a figure. Clues show how their figures turn and connect with themselves, not allowing rotation or reflection, but do not indicate the lengths of the line segments. Solve online

#285 - Triangular Triple Norinori, Hitori, Heyawake, Myopia, Uso-One, & Tapa Mash-Up

     Here's the puzzle I entered into Logic Showcase #25 (Ubniqu Tilings). The theme for this showcase was to use a non-square grid tiling.      Shade some groups of three edge-connected cells such that the remaining unshaded cells form one edge-connected area, and the following rules from each genre are satisfied in their respective sextants:      Norinori (Top left):      Each region must contain exactly three shaded cells. The grey cells are not part of a region and may contain any number of shaded cells.      Hitori (Top center):      No two cells containing the same letter which see each other in a straight line along any of the three axes may both be unshaded.      Heyawake (Top right):      Numbered regions must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. A straight line of consecutive unshaded cells along any of the three axes may not cross more than one bold...

#284 - Fillomino

       Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Two regions of the same size may not share an edge. Clued cells must belong to a region containing the indicated number of cells. Solve online

#283 - TomTom

       Place a number from 1 to N into each cell so that each row and column contains every number from that range with no repeats, where N is the side length of the grid. A clue represents the value obtained by applying an operation iteratively on the numbers in the region the clue is in. If no operation is given, it may be any of +, -, ×, or ÷. Subtraction and division in regions with more than two numbers are handled by taking the largest number and subtracting/dividing all the others. Solve online

#282 - Sashigane

       Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Each region must be an L shape with a width of one cell. Arrows must lie at one end of an L and point toward the bend. Circles must lie at the bend of an L, and if one contains a number, the L it’s inside must contain the indicated amount of cells. Solve online

#281 - Pipelink

     Draw a loop through the centers of all cells. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other, but not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap. A clue shows how the loop crosses through the cell it’s in. Solve online

#280 - Shakashaka

       Shade a right triangle in some empty cells, each of which occupies exactly half the cell it’s in. Each unshaded area must be rectangular in shape. A number in a cell represents how many of the (up to) four cells orthogonally adjacent to the clue contain triangles. Solve online

#279 - Yajilin

       Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all the remaining empty cells. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the number of shaded cells in a straight line in the indicated direction. Solve online

#278 - Fillomino

      Here's another Fillomino! I'm glad I got the powers of 2 theme to work!      Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells. Two regions of the same size may not share an edge. Clued cells must belong to a region containing the indicated number of cells. Solve online

#277 - Yajilin

       Shade some cells so that no two shaded cells are orthogonally adjacent and draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of all the remaining empty cells. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the number of shaded cells in a straight line in the indicated direction. Solve online